Monday, 18 August 2014

What's about -ough?

through, though, thought, although
cough enough, through through, though, thought, although
cough enough, through
threw,  rough, bough, thorough, wrought, fought, thought, bought, brought,
taught, caught, ought, drought
threw,  rough, bough, thorough, wrought, fought, thought, bought, brought,
taught, caught, ought, drought

random notes to elaborate on

Tot i no ser molt partidaria de la tecnologia (=estar enganxats a electriciat = contaminem amb emissions), llegeixo amb el mobil llibres en pd, tinc agenda al mobil i mail al mobil, prenc notes amb el mobil quan abans tenia llibreta- M'agrada tenir access a informació i tenir-lo a mà. M'agrada molt la sensació de paper i boli i m'encanta escriure en paper (per feina com per coses personal) pero el mòbil i totes les seves funcions és una gran eina.
Quan vaig de viatge no miro gaire el mail, dos cops en tres setmanes. Desconnecto bastant.
En fi, que no em contestis i així no escriuré! jajajajaja.

april 2014
Aprender idiomas a partir de cierta edad no es facil pero no imposible.
esfuerzo,sin verlo como un "`palo". ver la parte positiva de hacer ejercicios, de jugar y leer, de oir con un proposito
atencion, intereés

steduent brazilina
research portuguese problmes with english

feb 2014

1. Think about how you learn new words and how you remember things. Do you make lists? do you read texts and underline words and expressions? do you watch television and write down the words and expressions you don't know? do you write them on a piece of paper and look them up/ask someone what they mean?
2. My number one piece of advice is READ READ READ VERY CAREFULLY AND UNDERLINE WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS as a way to improve vocabulary and consolidate spelling.

people don't know how to study
how to maximise their learning
they want and need guidance
i may be too independence-oriented in their proces

january 2014
people late or cancel at the last minute --> improvise
groups of 4 ,... only 1 shows up

more general english, less customised, mixed abilities, needs
more dynamic, learning from others
forced talking about topics not really interesting
as a negative; group dynamics

you can't relax..
not have the teacher to myself

jumping from one thing to another without having time to settle knowledge

a lot more work for the teacher
more efficient use of resources, more people same time

more spontaneous, more real