Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Pronunciation: -ture, -dure, -sure

Most -ture endings are prononounced as -cher/-cha. Please notice it's and ending, not the adjective 'sure' as in I am sure.

Future /ˈfjuːtʃəʳ/
structure /ˈstrʌk tʃəʳ/ 
 literature /ˈlɪtətʃəʳ/
architecture /ˈɑːkɪtek tʃəʳ/ 
nature  /ˈneɪ tʃəʳ/ 

You can listen to the words in or
Do notice that the phonetic transcription is how the words sounds. Notice that there is no u sound in the symbols, so please don't say  / tur/ when saying the word.

The stressed syllable is usually the one before the tʃə sound, as the little apostrophe placed before the stressed syllable indicates.

The same thing applies for -dure, -sure, 
Procedures is pronounced like pro- Sitges, those Catalan speakers will know Sitges being a nice seaside town.
Measure, pleasure, treasure, etc... The sure is pronounced as in genetics, je in French. 

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