Their brain uses whatever pattern it has and whatever is simpler to retrieve.
ensenyar angles avui en dia a adults que han estudiat anglès tota la vida és desensenyar el que saben o creuen saber - desensenyar mal habits de parla i escriptura. anglo link - word order
Which one
is correct?
- a.I usually go b.
I go usually c. usually I go
2. a. We will never finish this handover before
the new Head arrives!
b. We never
will finish this before he arrives c.
We will finish never this before he arrives
d. Never we
will finish this before he arrives
3. a. I can never remember his name b. Never I can remember his name c. I can remember never his name. d. I can't remember his name never
4. a. the car
has probably been in the compound
all night b. probably, the car has
been inside the compound all night c.
the car has been in the compound all night.
5. a.
Always Yao gets up at 6 am b. Yao
always gets up at 6am c. Yao
gets up always at 6 am d. Yao gets up at 6 am always.
answers: 1a 2a 3a 4a 5b
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