Tuesday, 28 July 2020

word order and sentence structure

I think word order and sentence structure is one of learner's weakest areas. Years ago I found the anglo link video below and the way she presents the information is simple and very effective in getting learners to understand this. check it out. Absolutely fantastic. 
I often tell my students that they have to tattoo over their foreheads and chest and arms  S Aux Adverb Verb O   SVO as a basic strucutre  - more on that in another post.

we insist on teaching structures and words which we know are key to accurate and even natural-sounding English that adult students will struggle to learn unless they insist, unless we insist. Not because they lack the ability but because culturally and/or linguistically it's just too different from their own mental pattern of their L1. they don't relate to them.
Their brain uses whatever pattern it has and whatever is simpler to retrieve.

ensenyar angles avui en dia a adults que han estudiat anglès tota la vida és desensenyar el que saben o creuen saber - desensenyar mal habits de parla i escriptura.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPyo8-Pr55Q  anglo link - word order 

Which one is correct?            
  1. a.I usually go        b.  I go usually           c. usually I go 

2. a.   We will never finish this handover before the new Head arrives!   
b. We never will finish this before he arrives   c. We will finish never this before he arrives    
d. Never we will finish this before he arrives

3. a.  I can never remember his name    b. Never I can remember his name     c. I can remember never his name.   d. I can't remember his name never

4. a.  the car  has probably been  in the compound all night     b. probably, the car has been inside the compound all night    c. the car has been in the compound all night. 

5. a. Always Yao gets up at 6 am        b.  Yao always gets up at 6am       c.  Yao gets up always at 6 am       d. Yao gets up at 6 am always.

answers: 1a 2a 3a 4a 5b

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